Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

More neighborhood fun

I'm going to get a shotgun. Seriously, I am.
Tonight, I'm finishing a cigarette (yeah, the quitting didn't last long) and I see a derelict guy walking down my sidewalk. This isn't unusual and I'm ready for bed, so I go inside. The doorbell rings 45 seconds later. I almost grab the three-foot-long broom handle I keep for after-dark visitors, but I see the guy through my front door so I go answer it. It's the derelict fellow and he's bloody and says, "Call 911, I've been robbed." He's got rivulets drying on his forehead and his ear is encrusted with dark crimson. I call the cops.
Turns out he was walking down the street just a few houses from my own when he got rolled. He didn't know what they hit him with, but he saw the car. He said they stole his wallet, which had no money, and his watch. He sat on my porch while we waited for the police and held his head in his hands. I gave him a cigarette.
A cruiser, a fire truck and an ambulance showed up within 5 minutes and they took him to get stitches for his ear. By now all the neighbors are out in their yards to see the commotion. After things die down, another guy rolls up and gets out of a car. His shirt is torn and covered in dried blood. He says two black guys in a Lumina pulled the same job on him, but he wouldn't cough up his wallet. He doesn't want to talk to the cop because he's been drinking, but I introduce the two of them anyway. The officer takes him for a ride to see the spot where he got rolled.
All of this happened on my block, probably a hundred yards from my backyard. I love this neighborhood.


Blogger Jay T said...

And to think, I've often hoped to move right near you when/if we ever move back to Rockford.

Thanks for teaching me a new term: "rolled."

5:16 PM


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