Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Friday, August 17, 2007

What did you do Friday night?

For some reason, I decided that tonight was the night to reformat my desktop computer to get it ready for its impending eBay sale. This is a very long, arduous process, migrating all the important data onto my laptop and then feeding restore disks into the tower hard drive as it bombs the memory and rebuilds it.
Of course, there are plenty of other things I could be doing.
For instance, the dishes.
But when I went down to the kitchen, I noticed the goldfish was acting crazy. A few days ago, Meegan took it upon herself to change his water -- despite the fact that it's not her fish or her responsibility. Of course, she put lukewarm water into the bowl instead of letting cold water sit and gradually reach room temperature. She also used the softened water from the tap. I can't imagine one of the lowest vertebrates appreciated the climate shock or the salty residue. He floated stiffly near the bottom of the tank for a day and has been zipping across the bowl in frantic bursts ever since. Then tonight, I noticed he's doing a death flip: slowly listing to one side and sinking to the bottom. He valiantly tries to snap out of it, bursting forth to the top of the bowl and splashing around.
He's a tough customer -- the only survivor of the original three fish who occupied the bowl. That's why I decided to try to save him. But when I went down into the basement to get hard water from a tap near the softener, I noticed that there's about an inch of water on the floor. Gardening expert that I am, I left the soaker hoses on -- for nearly two days. I'm delegating that clean up to tomorrow.
Instead, I'm 20 minutes into the reformatting process... guess I'm committed now.


Blogger Abby said...

yea Mr. Fishy didn't look so hot over the weekend. I'm assuming by now he has made his last swim down the toliet to his watery resting place.

2:10 PM


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