Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Getting creative

Nothing like a television appearance to wake me from my blogging doldrums. First, read my story about Rockford's ranking compared to other mid-sized cities based on its concentration of the "Creative Class." Then scroll down to the bottom of the gray box where it says: Related Content. There's a tiny video camera icon there; click on the link that says "Register Star reporter Nate Legue discusses Rockford's creativity ranking" to see a clean-shaven me on the television news.
Apologies for the audio sync problems. You get the idea, even if it's kung-fu movie style.


Blogger Jay T said...

I couldn't hear anything. But you looked hot.

6:22 PM

Blogger Abby said...

I could hear it and I was impressed. You have a great professional presence on TV. Yer faamous!

2:12 PM

Blogger theologien said...

All I could get was someone talking about Rockford Products, your video never came up, although there were at least three options to pull yours up to play.

Ah, technology strikes again...

However, if it is any consolation, from your picture on the sidebar, looks like you clean up real good!

11:41 AM


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