Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

You learn things when you stay up late...

...Things you probably don't want to know. I was just now sitting on my front porch, after midnight. I was smoking a cigarette and reading emails. A car pulled up to the stop sign in front of my house and a guy got out. Looked like he might of dropped something. All of the sudden, I realize he's taking a piss. Right in front of my house.
Me: What the f@@$ are you doing?!!
Drunken Jerk: Peeing in the drain.
Me: Wah...k...ff..tt?!! Get your ass home and use your own bathroom!
Jerk: I was trying, but I couldn't make it... Sorry bro.
He zips up, gets in and the car speeds off.
What the hell? Is this a common after midnight occurrence in my 'hood? I wouldn't know, but I fear the answer.
And as I'm relating this story in an email to someone else, I can hear several voices screaming at each other from about two blocks down the street.
This is the ghetto after dark.
As I'm getting ready to go back inside, I notice a couple walking down the street, so I sit still. They walk past me, cut across the corner of my lawn and head up the street. I resist the urge to yell at them for using my yard as a sidewalk. Probably prudent since they were crackheads; I hear him yell at her after they've rounded my house:
"Mutha f##@ing dyke! I ain't gonna smoke witchu! F@!%ing dyke!"
That's it! I've had it. I'm buying a gun.
A big pump 12-gauge, just to rest on my lap when I'm on the porch. I don't even need shells. Just something to cock loudly whenever I get audacious visitors.


Blogger Abby said...

if you're gonna do that you're going to have to gain back that lost 25 pounds and sport a wife beater.

4:16 PM

Blogger Nate said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I wasn't wearing a shirt.

8:40 PM

Blogger theologien said...

We have a different attitude about that here in France. People don't usually even notice when it happens. And, being more eco-minded, we find a tree to help it out.

1:38 AM

Blogger markusmende said...

Might want to actually have some shells in the shotgun. Never know when one of them "crack heads" might pull a piece out in response to the cocking of the shotgun...

Just a thought. I live in the suburbs. What do I know?

4:00 PM

Blogger Nate said...

Crackheads don't have guns. If they did, they'd hock them for crack long before they shot anybody. The dealers? That's another story...

11:07 PM


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