Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

It's a good day when...

I just got back from a friend's 30th birthday party at her parents' mansion down in Byron. What a great day. Worked out in the yard cleaning up the sidewalks. My neighbor took a gas-powered edger to the lawns, so today I spent the afternoon scraping up six-inch wide scraps of sod that had crept over the concrete. It was 90 degrees out. Thanks to the heat and my 20-lbs-slimmer figure, I did it all with my shirt off. Which meant I was soaked in sweat and then coated with a light sheen of dust. Like a fish filet rolled in flour. When I took off my socks, it looked like I was still wearing them because of the caked dirt.
But after I put Nicholas to bed and got a babysitter, I took the scenic drive down to Byron on Route 2. Always relaxing. Then, the hosts had just put in a new pool, so after eating a catered meal, I went swimming. And there was the greatest hot tub in the world, one with multiple jets that shot at your back. When I looked up into the sky, I could see all the stars because we were so far away from the city. Everyone kept seeing shooting stars, too.
It was awesome.


Blogger Abby said...

wow i'm jealous. I never get any of that in the city

11:44 AM


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