Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hooray for me

At the beginning of April, I started a diet to lose about 20 pounds by August. According to charts, I was 30 pounds overweight, but I'm not going to get back to what I weighed when I graduated high school any time soon. In fact, if I weighed 180 at 6'2", people would wonder if I was sick.
Anyway, I've already lost five pounds. What's my secret? My PDA.
That's right. I guess all you have to do to get me to do something is make a PalmPilot program for it. I track my calories every day and it tells me how many I have left. That's kind of fun because sometimes I eat very little at work and have enough left over at dinner time to splurge at Taco John's or BeefaRoo.
Here's a few facts I've learned on this diet:
- If you stop drinking the buckets of Coca-Cola or other soft drink offered at fast food joints, you cut out several hundred calories.
- A Chipotle burrito made the way I like it has almost 1,200 calories. That's well over half my daily allowance.
- Weight is a sporadic thing. I started out at 207, jumped up to 210 the next day, then dropped steadily to 204. Then I leveled off for a week. Now I'm down to 202, but I'm just hovering here.
- Lean Cuisine meals are puny.
- If you keep eating Lean Cuisine meals, you gradually stop wanting to eat the massive portions that are doled out at restaurants. I got to gorge myself on my usual Taco John's meal last week. A regular burrito, a grilled burrito (potatoes and cheese) and nachos. But I couldn't finish it because I'm used to eating healthy portions now.
- You don't have to exercise to lose weight. Yes! (If Abby is reading this, she'll tell me I should. But I don't like to. I hate exercising.)


Blogger Abby said...

oh dear....

8:18 AM

Blogger Abby said...

but seriously, good job on losing the weight. Keep it up. If you need any help please let me know.

7:08 PM

Blogger Anna said...

I have a food diary. It works for me, too. I find that sometimes I cheat a little too much and I ignore the diary. I've been bad about really tracking my intake recently.

Also, I started eating better Oct. 2. I lost about 20 pounds by Jan. 1. That's when I started working out. Thank God for New Year's resolutions. I've dropped 16 more pounds as a result. And the big thing is I have a lot more muscle and I am toned. Plus, I find I can eat more food because I am burning more calories.

See, there are some perks to exercising.

Oh, and, I think it's great how disciplined you are. It's not easy to work where we work and not eat the crud that sits on that "donut" desk.

Keep it up.

10:35 PM

Blogger Chad said...

Nice job Natrone! You never mentioned your caloric withdrawal in our conversations. As a tried and true "dieter" (notice the frist three letters), I can tell you that exercise isn't necessary, but it really helps speed the process along AND it makes you feel oh so good. The trick is to find something you like to do - like running. I, personally, would rather up-chuck monkey guts before running "for fun." Although, give me a bike or a kayak and you won't see me again for hours because I LIKE doing those things. Fool your brain....I do it all the time.

4:40 PM

Blogger Nate said...

No, I actually also hate running. And going to the gym. And using a treadmill. And lifting weights.

8:43 PM

Blogger katpurrrz said...

there's always physical workouts your wife could help you with...! ;)

10:21 AM

Blogger Katie said...

I actually gained 10 pounds after starting with the roller derby, but my body looks better because its muscle...I kind of like exercising, but I always say that skating "tricks" me into excercising because I love skating so much, I forget that it burns calories. Sometimes I work out because I am looking to increase my endurance on the track, I don't think about working out for its own sake...

10:24 AM


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