Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Who needs flames when you've got four-wheel drive?

Okay, so I balked at buying the flame-emblazoned PT Cruiser pictured below because after actually looking at one in real life, I realized it's just a glorified Neon. And after what happened, I want Nicholas surrounded by at least 3 feet of car in every direction when he rides with me.
Also, we had 11 inches of snow here on Friday, so I opted for the Ford Explorer 4x4 with anti-lock brakes and 15-inch tires. It's the best car I've ever owned.
Although, it doesn't have much competition for the title. I've owned some crates. Let's take a little trip through the inventory.
The first: a primer-gray Olds Delta 88 that had four different-size tires (all bald) and a headlight frame I reconstructed entirely from Bondo. Sticker price: $150.
Then I moved up in the world with a 5-speed Volkswagen Gulf that ran well until the transmission fell out of it. Sticker price: $1,800. Cost to replace transmission: $1,300.
That car konked out on a road trip to Champaign so I dumped it there and came home to find this beaut waiting for me behind a mechanic's shop. The only difference is my Chevy Cavalier had oxidized blue paint and the corner of every fender was busted. Sticker price: $250.
That Cav was trusty, despite getting in numerous scrapes, including the night I backed a wheel over the edge of a retaining wall. But the head gasket eventually blew, so I picked up a rusty Chevy Celebrity wagon. And mine was way rustier than the one in the photo. Plus the passenger door wouldn't latch, so a bungee cord stretching across the front seat held it shut. Price: $50.
By this time in my evolution of car ownership, I was 19 years old and working my first "real" full-time, year-round job. So I could afford a decent car, one that cost more than three figures. So I got this one. And I drove it for a long time. Price: $3,000.
So during the eight years between when I got my drivers license and got married, I spent a grand total of $5,250 to buy cars.
Since then, I've driven a Hyundai Accent, the now infamous Saturn SC1 coupe and a Hyundai Sonata. None of which qualify as luxury vehicles.
So I'm thankful for my new ride. I love it.


Blogger Katie said...

Awesome! So glad you didn't get the flamer, but don't tell it that I said that. And 4x4- good plan. I wish we had one right now.
Did they ever catch the punk who hit your Saturn?

7:57 PM

Blogger Nate said...

I don't know. I honestly care so little about whether the cops get that guy. He'll get his eventually, whether its from the police or something else.

8:51 PM

Blogger Nate said...

I forgot to include the '77 Ford Thunderbird that dad bought for $500. I drove it across the country before it became your car, Abby.

7:36 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you got such a nice car!!I remember most of those others. Thanks for remembering the T-Bird. That was a real 'ghetto mobile' as you could sit in the back seat with both arms fully extended and NOT touch the sides( the true test!!)

6:40 PM


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