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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

If a secret is told in a newsroom, is it really a secret?

A funny thing happened thanks to this blog. Several weeks ago I decided to stop avoiding the issue and start posting about my law school pursuits. It seemed kind of lame to have spent an entire year without blogging about the most important goal in my life.
The reason I'd been avoiding it was because several people from work read this blog. But I thought, hell, everybody in the office already knows I'm going to law school, so I'm not fooling anybody. I did not, however, take the time to think out the logical ramifications of that assumption -- namely that if everybody in the newsroom knows, then so does my editor-in-chief, the one who hires and fires. And of course, I made the decision to tell the world about my plan to change careers just a couple weeks before the company announced plans to cut staff.
So last week I get a cheery email from her congratulating me on my acceptance to Iowa and inviting me to come talk about it. And, oh, by the way, she knew all along and had been patiently waiting for me to come tell her. Only now, she wouldn't wait any longer because of the newsroom staff cuts. I'd been keeping my head down waiting to see if anybody took the buyouts before telling her about my plans. But she beat me to the punch. Oh well. Good news is, she isn't signing my walking papers yet and will keep me until I'm ready to go later this summer. But I suspect my position may evaporate or morph into something else.
Here's what she wrote in her weekly update email:
Just one more thing: Congratulations to Nate Legue on his acceptance into law school at the University of Iowa. Yep, I know. Yep, Nate knows I know. I am delighted he is reaching so successfully for his dream. So how did I know: Well, there's this little thing called the Web…. Thanks, Nate, for being such a good sport and for being part of the newsroom. If you do go, you will be missed!
Anyway, the Register Star was my first "real" job in newspapers, so I'll miss it too.


Blogger the filipina chicagoan said...

gotta love journalists! i mean, will lawyers be this chatty with you? you'll miss it all i'm sure.

12:19 AM


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