Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last vestige of winter

I've been out of commission with a nasty cold. Stayed home from work two days in a row, slept all day, ate cold meds like candy, etc. But the worst part for me is that I didn't drink my usual gallon of coffee, so on top of the cold symptoms, I got the pangs of caffeine withdrawal. I hate that withdrawal, it is essentially a migraine headache that won't go away, even if you take the entire bottle of ibuprofen. I can't imagine that heroin shakes are much worse. You feel like you want to die and you swear you will never ever ever drink so much coffee again.
But that is a lie.
Thankfully, today I roused myself out of bed, took a look at my three-day-old beard in the mirror and threw myself into the shower. Funny how hot water and a good scrubbing can wash all the sickness away. Now I just feel punky from the pseudoepinephrine.


Blogger Tricky said...

I assure you, they are.

6:46 PM


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