Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Inspired by Miss Tricky

It is the simple things in life that make you happy. So here's some of my favorites:
• A jar of Smuckers chocolate fudge.
• That perfectly vertical edge that a snowblower cuts through the snow.
• Lying in a warm bed with the covers at your chin.
• When Nicholas runs to the door shouting "Daddy, daddy!"
• The smell of oil-rich exhaust when the car starts in the cold.
• An excellent cup of coffee.
My Ford Explorer.
• A brand new, blank notebook. Especially those fancy kinds they sell at Barnes&Noble.
• People who want to know who I am.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a couple of good ideas for Christmas gifts on this list. Hmmm. I'll have to make note of them...

7:54 AM

Blogger Tricky said...

Nothing gets me more worked up than a brand new ( spiral ) notebook and new pens. Is that weird?

12:42 PM

Blogger Abby said...

I agree. I enjoy the simple things too. Sometimes I fail to notice them but I love when I notice them again.

9:15 AM


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