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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Early morning blogging

It's 3 a.m. and I can't get back to sleep. I woke up at 1:45 and haven't been able to nod off yet.
I must have reached a certain age where sleep becomes more precious and elusive because as a kid and a teen, I would've been able to fall right back to sleep.
But through the excesses of 21st century technology, I am able to lie in bed and blog. It's dark, but the glow of my backlit Palm is all I need. Besides blogging, I've been able to read the NY Times and the Trib as well as browse Blackberries. I'm hoping to replace this wireless PDA with a keyboard smartphone. I'm favoring the Pearl because it's small, but several folks have told me they don't like the keyboard setup. I guess I'll find out near the end of June when my current phone, a battered 2-year-old RAZR, becomes eligible for replacement.
Ok, I've blogged about nothing long enough. Hopefully I can sleep now.

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