Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

What I haven't written

I was reading some of my old posts and I realize how much more interesting this blog was when I started it almost two years ago. The reason for that is I have avoided the two most important, life-changing situations that have occurred in that time: my divorce and my decision to go back to school for law.
I don't know if I'll ever write about my divorce on this blog. That kind of thing takes years to gain perspective on and I'm not sure I trust my insights at this point. Suffice it to say that Meegan and I separated 15 months ago and our divorce was finalized in November.
But I've avoided talking about law school for for a simpler reason: some folks from my office read this blog. Last week, several editors approached me at different times to ask me about law school acceptances, so I know that somebody who knows about my plans blabbed in a newsroom meeting. Oh well. Journalists can't keep things quiet. It's against our nature.
So the point is, there's no point in keeping it a "secret" on this blog any more. I'm going to law school in the fall. My next few posts will be about the two-year-long odyssey I've been on to get to this point.


Blogger stewtrekk said...


Good for you. Law school is excellent training for many things. It will also teach you even more skeptisism!

I only have your old gannet email address and tried to send you a link. Where can I reach you?


12:17 PM


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