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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hardscrabble Rockford

The Rolling Stone just published an engaging article about the federal government's quixotic pursuit of "home-grown terror suspects." It points out that this colossal waste of resources is only resulting in a string of trumped up charges against Arab pizza delivery drivers and video-store clerks with militant Islamic leanings. It's a good read, so check it out.
The reason I noticed it is because the writer, Guy Lawson (an investigative journalist who usually writes for GQ) focused on the Derrick Shareef case. If you'll recall, he's the loser that planned to "bomb" CherryVale Mall during the holidays by dropping two grenades into a garbage can and "speed-walking" away. Um, yeah.
Did I mention that he planned to acquire these grenades from an undercover FBI agent who was willing to trade them for a set of stereo speakers? At what point do you start to get suspicious that your terrorist plot is just a set up? Maybe when you haven't got a single c-note to your name and the "arms dealer" is willing to exchange explosives for your speakers?!! Man, if it were that easy to get guns and bombs, I never would've made it past 13 years old.
But the best part about reading these kinds of articles is the cheap shots that hotshot writers take when they parachute into Rockford and zip out the next day. From the article:
Finding a meaningful target to blow up in Rockford isn't easy. A hardscrabble town in the middle of America, the place is not much more than an intersection of interstates and railway lines, with little of note that might attract the attention of terrorists. So Jameel suggested the main attraction in town: CherryVale Mall, a sad-sack collection of clothing stores and sneaker shops on the outskirts of Rockford.
Tell me what mall in America isn't a "sad-sack collection of clothing stores?" Apparently, Mr. Lawson failed to stop by Machesney Park Mall.


Blogger Winter Patriot said...

I have to disagree with you on this part:

this colossal waste of resources is only resulting in a string of trumped up charges against Arab pizza delivery drivers and video-store clerks with militant Islamic leanings.

It's certainly resulting in those things, but there's a lot more to it than that.

In fact, the RS article details a horrific series of crimes committed against your society, against your future and your children’s future, by the FBI and its JTTFs -- setting up entrapment operations all over the country to create bogus "terror cells" which they can then bust. The fear they have stirred up, and the publicity they have generated, go a long way to creating an atmosphere where the government can chip away at the Bill of Rights and call it security.

In other words. your rights are being taken away in “response” to a “threat” that was created by the federal government.

No major media outlet has been willing to touch this story. Now — finally — Rolling Stone has shown some guts and covered it. They haven’t done a great job but at least they have mentioned it.

So when you complain to them about how they portray your hometown, please also thank them for finally telling the truth about the charade that was played out in Rockford in December of 2006.

Here’s another idea: Why not post some photos of Rockford and prove Rolling Stone wrong? That would be the perfect comeback!

One more thing: Here’s a post about the guy the FBI sent to entrap Derrick Shareef:

Burned! Meet William Chrisman, FBI Entrapment Specialist

1:26 PM

Blogger Jay T said...

That guy worked at a used video game store and was on a first name basis with my brother-in-law.

He'd probably be able to hook you up with some sweet games for your Xbox... in exchange for WOMD.

Post some pictures to prove them wrong about Rockford! Ha! I love my little hardscrabble town anyway.

4:05 PM


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