Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Betrayal, Part Deux

I'm undermining the premise of this blog once again. I haven't had a sip of coffee in more than a week, which is about two decades in caffeine addict years. Almost two weeks ago, I was taken ill by the worst bout of influenza I've had in five years. I couldn't eat for three days, let alone drink coffee. Which means on top of the fever, chills, coughs and excruciating bodily pain, I had a splitting headache from caffeine withdrawal. Yes people, I suffer withdrawal symptoms when I don't drink enough coffee. I said I'm an addict.
So when the plague passed, I didn't pick up the coffee again. It's always refreshing to drop caffeine. I can go to bed at 11 and get up at 6:30 and not feel exhausted. I don't crash at 3 p.m. when the caffeine levels in my bloodstream dip to dangerous levels after a morning of slurping cup after cup. I'm not so irritable. In so many ways, my life is better without coffee.
The bad part is, I've had a nagging headache for almost two weeks. So I know I'll go back to that sweet, sweet nectar sooner or later.


Blogger theologien said...

Actually, the headaches can be caused by something as simple as not drinking enough water. Besides the astringent effect of coffee, the amount of liquid that you normally take in while drinking coffee needs to be replaced by other liquids, preferably water. Dehydration causes headaches as well. Just imbibe in caffeine free water.

3:23 PM

Blogger Nate said...

Funny you should suggest that today. It just occurred to me this morning that I've been actually guzzling a gallon or two of water as coffee every day. No wonder I've got a headache. I must be parched.

3:28 PM

Blogger theologien said...

the reason I know this is that at our altitude in Grenoble, we lose a lot of moisture. I wake up so dry sometimes at night I make the Sahara seem like a swamp.

1:54 PM


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