Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Monday, March 03, 2008

A free lunch

I just made a phone call to the managing partner at a major law firm in town to claim something he promised me. I was interviewing him in his office nearly two years ago for a story when I realized I could be a lawyer.
He took me to lunch so I could pick his brain about the profession and has been very gracious to me ever since. He asked me where I wanted to go to law school. I said "The University of Iowa" and his eyelids raised and he said, "That's a good school." I don't know if he doubted that I could get in there, but he was definitely surprised I was setting my sights so high. When I ran into him months later, I told him that I would get in and he replied that he'd take me to lunch again if I did.
So it felt good to call him this week to redeem that lunch.
I was accepted at the University of Iowa College of Law earlier this month.


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