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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I write the songs that make only a tiny part of the world sing

In the pantheon of stupid ideas Rockford has come up with to justify itself to the rest of the world, I think I've found the greatest achievement. But first let's take a moment to remember a couple of the best...
There is the timeless Symbol welcoming drivers - and warding off evil spirits - along Illinois 251. I've always thought the giant red sculpture looks like a cross between a garish Christmas present bow and a medieval weapon.
There's my personal favorite, a tourism bureau advertising blitz from the 1990s. The tagline was "Rockford: A different kind of greatness." Huh?
But this one is the best by far. Apparently, the 'ole Chamber of Commerce once took it upon themselves to put together a collection of amateur songwriters' ditties on Rockford. Pure awful. Among the lyrics: "Catch a smile on the Whitman Street bridge."
Please, please, please visit this link and listen. I just can't do it justice here.

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Blogger Jay T said...

East side
West side
North side
South side

It's all here!

8:49 AM

Blogger Nate said...

At least three of the songs use some kind of variation of the East side - West side verse. If you listen to the entire album, it becomes clear that the city's creativity faucet was at pretty low pressure.

10:09 AM

Blogger katpurrrz said...

How/where did you find this?! I used to have a 45 that WZOK made way back when of "We Are the World; We Are Rockford." That was way better than this!

12:19 PM

Blogger Abby said...

wow that's Just PAINFUL! You did forget to mention the wonderful sock monkey attractions that are now featured in various locations around the city. I think there is even a museum. Gotta love it. "I've got Rockford on my mind"

11:14 AM

Blogger katpurrrz said...

That would be Nelson the sock monkey (made long ago by the Nelson Knitting Co. of Rockford). There is an exhibit at Midway Village Museum Center...

1:00 PM


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