Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our latest research

I am experimenting with a new favorite coffee: Medaglia D'Oro. It's a ubiquitous Italian espresso roast in a can that I picked up on a whim. I haven't been making my own drip coffee for probably a year now because it doesn't make sense to brew a pot when you're only going to have a few cups. Plus, there's plenty of mediocre drip coffee at the office.
Instead, when I want coffee at home, I make myself a little espresso in my little espresso pot. I ran out of espresso beans a long time ago and in desperation started grinding up my regular Colombian whole bean. While this off-label method makes a decent cup of strong coffee, espresso it is not.
So to return to a real dark Italian roast has been a treat. So strong. Thick like motor oil. And zowie, a straight caffeine blast.
As they say in Italy: Buon appetite!



Blogger theologien said...


It is worth the money to get a decent electric espresso maker, you can do a lot more than make espresso.

Second, if you can't grind the beans to espresso fine, you will have various problems, such as plugging the basket where the café moves through.

The perk stove-top model you had is okay, but it tends to make bitter café. The secret is steam, not hot water.

It was good to see you on Prairie.

8:34 PM


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