That didn't take long
Today I imbibed my first cappaccino in weeks. Tasted just as good as ever. Did notice that my energy level dipped about 90 minutes later...
Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.
Today I imbibed my first cappaccino in weeks. Tasted just as good as ever. Did notice that my energy level dipped about 90 minutes later...
I'm undermining the premise of this blog once again. I haven't had a sip of coffee in more than a week, which is about two decades in caffeine addict years. Almost two weeks ago, I was taken ill by the worst bout of influenza I've had in five years. I couldn't eat for three days, let alone drink coffee. Which means on top of the fever, chills, coughs and excruciating bodily pain, I had a splitting headache from caffeine withdrawal. Yes people, I suffer withdrawal symptoms when I don't drink enough coffee. I said I'm an addict.
This just in from the Middle Kingdom: My mom has joined the ranks of bloggers. Check out her new site, Among the Chinese.