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Sunday, August 27, 2006

School days, school days

So Meegan finished her second week of school on Friday, and let me tell you, I am exhausted. No really. Her nursing program is relentless and demanding. She studies every night for hours and still flunked a quiz. Oh, but flunking in OSF's school means getting a 77 percent. Because Ds don't pass at all (so that's an F) and the lowest C is a 78. A 78, people!
It couldn't be more difficult if she were learning the mystic secrets of Kung Fu with one of those long-goateed gurus who teaches his pupils some esoteric truth by making them carry well water in thimbles up a 500-foot staircase to fill his bath.
But the reason I am tired is because I take care of Nicholas while she's studying. Hey, it's really tiring!


Blogger Jay T said...

On our first big midterm in med school I got the 14th lowest grade in our class of ~160.

My confidence hasn't been the same since, and it was like 4 years ago.

5:45 PM


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