Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Toilet training: You gotta spice it up

Potty training can get kind of boring, so you have to find ways to entertain yourself, as Nicholas demonstrates in the photo. I was beginning to get discouraged about what has turned into a routine M&M dole with no actual toilet use, since I just remind him every 15-20 minutes to go upstairs to the bathroom and he obliges for chocolate. It's especially disheartening after Nicholas peed on the floor twice this morning with little concern. After some strong encouragement NOT to pee on the floor, but pee IN the toilet, a few minutes ago he announced "I will pee in the potty" and marched upstairs himself and dribbled a bit. So he got a new toy train, Spencer, the Duke and Duchess' private engine from the Thomas adventures (my dear readers who have preschool boys know what I'm talking about). So maybe we are making some headway.
Next challenge: No. 2.
I probably won't blog about that.


Blogger Anna said...

Me, too. And by the way, my boys call No. 2, "magic." Here's what I got one day out of the blue ... "Mama, wanna see my magic?"

And I was like, "You betcha! Sweet."

Have fun. Potty training's a blast.

9:50 PM


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