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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Nicholas' turn

One of my fellow bloggers, Anna, has challenged me to write more about my son, because her blogging about her two preschool boys is pretty entertaining. So here goes. Tonight I let Nicholas stay up until 9 p.m. because we went to a party with extended family. He stuck his fingers in every dollop of icing on the cake before he ate his slice. Then he ran around bashing balloons and laughing at us when we inhaled helium and sang songs to him. He had a good time. But what I wanted to blog about was his bedtime. After stories, I usually read him a few verses from Psalms. He has Psalm 121 memorized and usually recites it with me. It was the Psalm the hospital chaplain taped to his incubator during his first week of life. And other than making sure I follow the routine at bedtime, he's usually pretty quiet when I read and pray. But tonight he had a lot to say.
As I read Psalm 139, he interrupted me.
"Jeeses loves da by-bul," he told me.
"Yes, he does," I replied.
"Jees is God."
"Yes, he is."
"Kwe pway?"
So I stammered out a prayer through my tears as I thought about Nicholas' little seed of faith. I said amen and started saying goodnight, but he said, "no talking." It was his turn to pray. He said:
"Hevedly Fader, pleez hep us. pees mak us strong. in jeez name, amen."


Blogger Anna said...

What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. I, too, know the power of prayers especially when your brand-new baby is in an isolette. Isn't God just amazing? Really.

8:54 PM


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