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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No site is safe

Okay, the thrill of MySpace is gone. Apparently the guerrilla marketers have discovered it. So far, I've gotten more than a dozen friend requests from fake people who have great suggestions for me to get rich quick or requests that redirect me to a site that looks remarkably like MySpace and offers a great download to enhance my web portal experience. Except, it's not a real MySpace site and I'm sure the download inserts all kinds of malicious spyware on your computer.


Blogger Jay T said...

These people are offering you money and great web portal enhancements and you think they aren't you friends? Forward them to me!

6:23 AM

Blogger Megan said...

You're just going through the five stages of Myspace: denial and isolation [from the outside world], anger [at fake-ass solicitors], Bargaining [with yourself to justify logging on anyway], Depression [because you now know that you're really addicted], and finally, acceptance.

You'll get through it, I promise.

5:53 PM


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