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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Content overload

My apologies for the lack of posts. Law school has crimped my ability to think about anything other than "The Law." The Law is something that you say in a deep, booming voice. You also spend most of your waking moments thinking about it when you're studying it. I'm sure I could write insightful posts explaining the difference between assault and battery or musing about why intentional infliction of emotional distress is a very difficult tort with which to establish a cause of action. I'm not sure you'd read them. My first writing assignment is due next week. It's a five-page memo analyzing a set of three different cases about the same tort. Right now, I'm taking a break from reading about the Uniform Commercial Code, which governs transactions that involve the sale and delivery of "goods." And of course, we're going to be lawyers, so we spent half of the last class period debating what "goods" are. Are the data on a computer software CD goods? If a stylist puts gel in your hair while cutting it, that's a goods transaction in the midst of a service, so should it be governed by the statute?

That's what I've been doing for the last two weeks. But now, I have to stop and drink this all in. I'M STUDYING LAW. LAW!!! I don't have any good reason to expect to attain such a profession. My father is a tree husbandman. My grandfather was a baker. My great-grandfather was a farmer. I'm only the second generation of my family to have a college degree. And here I am, studying to join a bona fide profession. I can't believe it.

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Blogger Hank said...

Nate - Saw your note in the new Star telescope. Sad to see you leave the newspaper world, but I think we all can agree you peaked on the higher education beat at the Star :-) Good luck in the law endeavors.

Speaking of which, anytime you say "The Law" you have to think of the scene in Pee Wee's Big Adventure with his buddy the mattress-tag cutter. "The law!"

12:20 PM


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