Home of the stovetop latte, a DIY drink perfected by years of trial and error.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Even more on men: Baseball

Tonight I went to see the newly reborn local minor league franchise, The Riverhawks, with my dad and our friend David. The team played the Chillicothe Paints. Much discussion ensued on where the heck Chillicothe was... perhaps Indiana or Iowa? Finally, we settled on Kentucky or Tennessee after learning that the Paints mascot was a horse and not a can of Sherwin-Williams.
Chillicothe is in southern Ohio, however.
A Riverhawk, in case you're wondering, is a fuzzy blue bird-man named Rocko. It has an oversized head, its native habitat is the ballfield and its mating rituals involved T-shirt giveaways and strange promotional contests. Riverhawks no longer exist in the wild, apparently.
Anyway, it rained most of the game and the Riverhawks went down 3-0, managing one measly hit in all 9 innings of water-soaked play. Perhaps rain delays are against the rules in the minors.
But baseball is more than just hits and pitches. Tonight, it also included a hot dog, a large lemonade, an order of nachos, a super pretzel and a polish sausage.
And lots of yelling in an attempt to win the strange promotional items.


Blogger Jay T said...

There's a Chillicothe down here by Peoria, too. Are you sure it's not that one?

7:51 AM

Blogger katpurrrz said...

But -- did you win anything? And didn't you watch the media that said there was a thunderstorm watch on??? Must be a male thing...;)

3:04 PM

Blogger Nate said...

In fact there are several Chillicothes, including ones in Texas, Missouri and Illinois. And kat, yes, I did win a free prize: a collapsible frisbee disc. Which I promptly gave to an 8-year-old kid because there's not a lot of demand in my life for a folding frisbee that fits into a pocket.

7:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it about being a man that requires that anything you catch at a ballgame must be given to the closest kid?

I see this at Wrigley all the time. Big 30-year-old guy dive over 12 people to catch foul ball, accidentally knocking dentures out of old woman's mouth and spilling 7 beers. Guy gets ball, holds it up proudly. Guy gives ball to cute 6-year-old girl.

I've been to hundreds of ballgames and never once have caught a foul ball. (Maybe it's because I don't dive over old women.) And in the back of my head, I don't think I want to at this point, because I know that if I do, I'll just have to give it away to some kid.

1:03 PM

Blogger Jay T said...

Your flurry of initial posts is starting to taper. Is the novelty wearing off? People are demanding more "Partially Caffeinated."

8:07 AM


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